Jumat, 09 April 2010

Do I Belong Here?

Sometimes when i'm alone, or when i'm listening their stories, or when i'm seeing them from far away. I always wonder

Do I Belong Here? Are We For Real? Am I Just One Of Their Jokes?

Those insecurities came from where i was. A stupid pranks, trustworthy kids i've never known. Until now.
Sometimes i feel pathetic of myself, Because i've never had the "FUN", they've had before. Sometimes i feel i'm a weirdo, because sometimes i don't enjoy what they enjoy.
Sometimes i feel abandoned, because they left me clueless in what they're talking about.
Sometimes i feel like a loser, because sometime everything's important to me, seems worthless for them.
Sometimes i feel extremely exhausted, because i've got to put my GAME FACE on to hide my true feelings....
Sometimes i think i'm a fool, Because i don't like talking random things to stranger who is not in a real life.
Sometimes i feel like i'm only a joke, because they won't tell me things they think important.

Am i being a coward by thinking like that?
I've tried to be a good listener, but i sometimes i feel like they don't hear me.

It doesn't mean they're not good kids. They ARE good kids. It's not them, but it's me who think too much.
But i can't help myself from thinking that way.

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

Semua Sekolah Pasti Punya...

GURU KERENG! Hari ini adalah titik balik bagi saya untuk menyadari guru KILLER (yang selama ini saya pikir hanya ekspresi hiperbola dari anak-anak) itu BENERAN ADA!!!

Jujur, sejak dulu saya gak percaya dengan yang namanya GURU KILLER, bagi saya semua guru itu sama saja, hanya menjalankan tugasnya dan ada batasan-batasan tertentu.
Perlu diketahui bahwa saya SANGAT AMAT RESPECT dengan semua guru yang ada. But today...
